Vertical Neighbourhood
When malevolence is destroyed, harmony will be restored in fragments.
"Vertical Neighbourhood," the second installment in the "Troubles in Pink" series, embarks on a dynamic exploration of the diverse realm of 2D animation, following "Broken." This creation stands as the pinnacle of intricacy within my portfolio, representing my inaugural venture into the expansive world of 16:9 formats. The intentional composition introduces newfound depth to my work, providing the canvas for me to experiment with architectural layers and vividly express the congested, impenetrable relationships between vehicles navigating the city.
In the crafting of this piece, I aimed to convey the vibrant atmosphere of the city through animated water flows and dynamic characters, shedding light on the darker facets of urban existence. In our interactions, we often project a facade of perfection, yet avenues for venting negative emotions are limited. Within the city, the prevalence of depression is on the rise, and malevolent forces quietly take root.
The city, a recurring theme in my artistic pursuits, holds a central position due to its intricate connection to our lives. However, when observed from a distant perspective, the city unfurls as a tapestry of diversity, passion, and chaos. It encapsulates emotions and undergoes continuous metamorphosis alongside societal developments, mirroring the trajectory of our lives and the evolution of our society.
It has been featured on the front page of Foundation.
Minted via SuperChief Gallery’s World on January 20, 2024.